Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) originated in ancient China and has evolved over thousands of years. TCM practitioners use herbal medicines and various mind and body practices, such as acupuncture and tai chi to treat and sometimes prevent health problems.
Quality Assurance and Control
Quality assurance starts with exceptional manufacturers. All of our manufacturers comply with the stringent Chinese Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP), and also received certification from Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA). The
standards of the TGA are among the highest in the world, especially concerning dietary and herbal supplements which are subject to the same guidelines as pharmaceutical drugs.
Laboratory Testing
Each of the internationally certified GMP certified factories where our products are manufactured has an in-house lab where extensive quality control is performed. All raw materials are identified and basic tests are performed before use. Chemical analysis including thin layer chromatography and high performance liquid chromatography are also used to confirm identification, ensure potency, and to test for active constituents when necessary.
In House Quality Control
Each lot we receive in our warehouse is quarantined. Each product is then sampled, verified, and then sampled for consistency. In addition to batch numbers assigned by the manufacturer, we assign lot numbers to each product. This allows any product to be traced back to the starting materials.